Moving Bed Carrier Filter Method
With long history of technology development, Kubota offers high effective wastewater treatment plants using advanced kinds of media.
Moving Bed Carrier Filter Method is a wastewater treatment process, which treat impurities in wastewater by aerobic microorganism adsorbed in media within an aeration tank. Sending air to aeration tank by blower in order to supply oxygen to microorganism adsorbed in media and thus to make good contact between wastewater and media, offering high efficient treatment performance. Each media provides large surface to support the growth of high-density population of microorganism. This system delivers cost-effective, easy-to-install and stable treatment performance within compact design.
- The moving bed tank employs a hollow
cylindrical media that is highly capable of
retaining microorganism. - The carrier filter tank employs a hollow cylindrical media with smooth surface to perform easier backwash process.
- Moreover, we have been applied high performance sponge media in some of our latest models. Sponge media, which retain more microorganisms than the conventional type with larger surface area in the same unit of capacity, provide high-rate nitrification process. Additionally, as being made from abrasion resistant material, the media has longer durability.
Deliver more compact aeration tank comparing to another treatment process using contact media
The specific surface area of moving bed tank in Kubota Wastewater treatment plant (Johkasou) is 7 times larger than fixed bed type. Therefore, the system provides higher BOD capacity load and delivers excellent treatment performance in compact size with cheap construction cost and low footprint.
Besides, performance of nitrification process could become higher just by simply increasing amount of media.
The specific surface area of moving bed tank in Kubota Wastewater treatment plant (Johkasou) is 7 times larger than fixed bed type. Therefore, the system provides higher BOD capacity load and delivers excellent treatment performance in compact size with cheap construction cost and low footprint.
Besides, performance of nitrification process could become higher just by simply increasing amount of media.