Corporate Information

Kubota Global Identity
Introduction to our corporate spirit, mission, and brand statement.
Our Long-Term Vision GMB2030
An introduction to Kubota’s GMB2030, our long-term vision indicating the roles that Kubota should play and the guidelines for our group-wide efforts.
About Kubota
An overview of Kubota Corporation.
Corporate History
Kubota's history, illustrating the footprint from its founding.
Directors and Senior Management
Our board members and executive team are committed to challenge and to innovate for sustainable world and our future growth.
Global Network
Kubota Group Companies which are located worldwide over 120 areas.
Our Business
Food, water, and the environment are indispensable parts of our lives. Kubota provides various products and solutions in these fields. From one grain of rice and one drop of water to the foundations of society and industry – Kubota's solutions support industries and human wellbeing worldwide.
Kubota, while being a company that creates goods and ideas, also prioritizes building and shaping its people. We are making efforts to develop and improve our working environment, so that each employee can improve and utilize his or her special skills and capabilities and work with peace of mind in a worker-friendly environment.
Global Case Studies
Kubota's technologies and products have built a solid reputation worldwide. Here are some notable examples.
Corporate Movie
Corporate Movie “Connect”
An “Essentials Innovator for Supporting Life,” Committed to a Prosperous Society and Cycle of Nature,
In this movie, we introduce Kubota's commitment to solving social issues in the areas of food, water and the environment, as well as our relationship with society. -
Kubota and the SDGs