Kubota's products continue to develop and evolve on a daily basis based on the innovative and reliable technology that has been cultivated steadily since 130 years ago. Kubota releases Kubota Technical Report annually to introduce our latest technologies and products.
No.56 JANUARY 2024
In Japan, we opened a new R&D base, the Global Institute of Technology, in 2022. We will build a truly global R&D system with six regions around the world, adding China and India to the existing bases of Thailand, North America, Europe, and Japan. We will work to build a system where locally oriented R&D bases are organically bound so that we can quickly solve social issues in each region. The KUBOTA TECHNICAL REPORT No. 56 introduces some examples of global R&D, such as IoT drones that contribute to improving the efficiency of agricultural work in Thailand, optimal fertilizer application using TIM (Tractor Implement Management) in Europe, and R&D bases in North America. We hope you will take the time to read it.

No.55 JANUARY 2022
In 2021, we launched our newly formulated long-term vision GMB2030. Becoming an “‘Essentials Innovator for Supporting Life,’ Committed to a Prosperous Society and Cycle of Nature,” which is the type of company Kubota is aiming to be in 2030 as envisioned in GMB2030, means that we will continue to provide indispensable value to society by offering total solutions that combine our products, technologies, and services. We will contribute to building a prosperous and sustainable society in the areas of food, water, and the environment, which are indispensable for human life, and thereby contribute to the achievement of the SDGs. In this issue of Kubota Technical Report No. 55, you will find Kubota’s technologies that contribute to society by listening thoroughly to the voices of various people at worksites around the world. We hope you will take the time to read it.

No.54 JANUARY 2021
Kubota delivers products that solve social issues in the areas of food, water, and the environment, enriching people’s lives.The global community is expected to become increasingly complex and our customers’ business environment will change even more.It is with this in mind that we have developed a new five-year Medium-Term Business Plan that kicks off this year. Guided by the new Business Plan, we wish to be a company that offers total solutions to such issues by combining our proprietary technologies, products, and services.We will continue to provide new value in the fields of food, water, and the environment through innovations that are essential for this purpose. We hope you will enjoy reading Kubota Technical Report No. 54, which collects a variety of technological developments in each field.

No.53 JANUARY 2020
Kubota’s Legacy Creed
In this issue, No. 53 of the Kubota Technical Report, readers will find examples of products and services that serve the public in accordance with our founder's creed. It includes articles about the development of products such as tractors, combine harvesters and rice transplanters with automated driving assist functions that contribute to greater efficiency and reduced workloads in farm operations, and to improved productivity through application of ICT; air purifiers to help prevent infectious diseases by sterilizing and humidifying indoor air; earthquake-resistant ductile iron pipes and plastic flanges that contribute to the development of robust water supply and sewerage infrastructures; and new services that utilize cloud computing and AI. We hope that you will read this report and thereby gain a deeper understanding of Kubota’s activities.

No.52 JANUARY 2019
Feature Theme: No.52 Working on SDGs
This 52nd issue of the Kubota Technical Report is specially themed around the topic of “Working on SDGs.” We recognize that our brand statement “For Earth, For Life” and our mission “contributing to the world in the areas of food, water, and the environment” are same as what SDGs is aming for. Kubota is making efforts in many themes that contribute to SDGs through our products, technology, and services. This issue includes those items that are deeply connected to SDGs, so we hope that you read this report and deepen your understanding of SDGs and Kubota's efforts.

No.51 JANUARY 2018
Feature Theme: Kubota, a Leading Company in Next-generation Farming with ICT
We have made “Kubota, a Leading Company in Next-generation Farming with ICT” the feature theme of Kubota Technical Report No.51, aimed at the realization of future agriculture. Kubota has expanded its field of vision from Japan to the world and worked sincerely on the development of agriculture. We have grasped the state of agriculture in each region, created the technology demanded by customers and rolled these technologies out in agricultural machinery while, at the same time, depicting the future of agriculture. Please discover our attitude of taking on the challenge of “future agriculture” with the technology we have accumulated over the 127 years since our founding through this Kubota Technical Report.

No.50 JANUARY 2017
Feature Theme: Kubota Group Aiming to Find Solutions to Challenges in Food, Water & Environmental Fields Through Global R&D
Kubota releases Kubota Technical Report annually to introduce our latest technologies and products. Kubota Technical Report No. 50 covers the special theme of “Kubota Group Aiming to Find Solutions to Challenges in Food, Water & Environmental Fields Through Global R&D.” For over 120 years, Kubota has contributed to society in Japan’s food, water and environment fields through technology and products. In recent years, we have been expanding our operation globally. With our local needs-based approach, we keep close contact with each region, listen to customers’ opinions, and enhance technology to solve their problems, and develop such technology into products and services. Furthermore, we are committed to sustainably contribute to the society by providing products and services that let customers feel new pleasure and excitement.