Corporate Governance Initiatives
Further improvements to soundness, efficiency, and transparency of business operations, and risk reduction

Kubota considers increased company-wide presence to be vital in order to achieve long-term, stable corporate value improvements – one of our top management priorities – while also balancing economic value and social value. In order to achieve our long-term goal of becoming a Global Major Brand capable of contributing even more toward society by earning trust from still more customers, we are promoting initiatives to further strengthen corporate governance, without limiting ourselves to increased sales and profits alone. We are working to increase business operational soundness, efficiency, and transparency, construct an internal governance system, and engage in appropriate risk management.
Initiatives to reinforce Kubota’s governance structure
Aiming for Sustainable Corporate Operations
Rapid Responses in the Management Environment, and Enhanced Corporate Governance Structure to Improve Management Transparency
At Kubota, we have adopted the following corporate governance structure, in order to improve the speed of responses in the management environment and increase management transparency.
- Board of Directors: Strategic decision-making and audits of execution of duties by Executive Officers
- Audit & Supervisory Board: Auditing and supervision of execution of duties by directors
- Executive Officers’ Meeting: Confirmation of execution of duties by Executive Officers, and prompt, appropriate management decisions
- ESG Management Strategy Meeting: formulation of policies and evaluation of major measures for the creation of medium- to long‐term corporate value.
- Management Committee and Investment Council: Decision-making for specific important issues, and deliberations
- Nomination Advisory Committee and Compensation Advisory Committee: Deliberation on nominations of candidates for Directors, the compensation system, and compensation level of the Directors, with appropriate involvement and advice from the Outside Directors.
Operation of an Internal Control System for Risk Reduction
At Kubota, we are working to manage risks through an internal control system positioned as one pillar of our business activities. Based on an awareness that risk management efforts are at the core of our business, we identify items common to the entire Kubota Group such as risks related to reliability of financial reporting. We exert efforts to manage risks appropriately through continuous steady improvement to “correct any inadequacies immediately.”
Key Categories of Major Risks in Kubota’s Management
- Internal control over reliability of financial reporting
- Internal control over the basic corporate functions such as fair trade, environmental conservation, and health and safety
- Internal control over compliance with rules and regulations related to equipment, import/export controls, and other compliance issues
Major Risk Reduction Initiatives
- Operation of the internal control system (risk management activities)
- Operation of the “Kubota Hotline” internal reporting system
- Securing reliability of financial reports
- Compliance with anti-monopoly act/competition law
- Compliance with the act against delay in payment to subcontractors
- Prevention of illegal payments
Incorporating Diverse Opinions and Expertise from within and outside the Company to Drive Enhancement of Corporate Value
Kubota creates venues to stimulate communication with external experts and stakeholders both within and outside the company, in order to improve corporate value and practice more effective sustainability management. For example, the company holds dialogues with external experts and works to deepen Outside Directors’ understanding of business, in order to reach appropriate business decisions. Furthermore, through observation of sites, subsidiaries, and affiliates within Japan and abroad, the company also actively works to absorb a diverse range of knowledge, opinions, and appraisals to improve corporate value.
Continuous Efforts for Information Security
Kubota is aware that the appropriate protection and management of personal information of its customers and other stakeholders is an important social responsibility. In order to secure its competitiveness, Kubota is also devoted to preventing the leakage of confidential information such as technological information. Depending on the type of information, Kubota appoints main divisions, including overseas, to conduct ongoing activities such as revising rules, auditing and awareness-raising at their respective locations.
Tax-related Diligence that Leads to Greater Corporate Value
Based on the Kubota Global Identity, our corporate philosophy, we aim for continuous synergistic development with society through corporate activities that respect societal norms. We also believe that the proper payment of taxes is both our duty and one of our most important contributions to society, and thus we are making efforts to enhance our corporate value through proper tax-related diligence.
Aiming to Remain a Trusted, Well-Regarded Company by Conducting Fair, Good-Faith Activities
Working for attainment of the 17 goals of United Nations SDGs that aim to transform our world
At the end of a United Nations Summit meeting in 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were promulgated, listing 17 common goals for the international community. Kubota has identified two of these goals – “Peace, justice and strong institutions” and “Partnerships for the goals” – as sectors the company can contribute toward with initiatives centered on Group’s corporate governance.
Kubota, which advocates “For Earth, For Life,” will continue to protect the beautiful earth while further revitalizing environmental conservation activities and supporting people's prosperous lives.
Kubota’s ESG Management
Aiming for sustainability and achievement of our long-term vision
K-ESG Management and Materiality
In line with its aim to maintain itself as a sustainable company, Kubota is promoting K-ESG Management, centered on its own ESG measures. With a focus on the four areas and 12 points of materiality, we aim to enhance our corporate value and realize our long-term vision GMB2030.
Top Message: Sustainability
Aiming to become an “'Essentials Innovator for Supporting Life,' Committed to a Prosperous Society and Cycle of Nature,” we will promote Kubota’s own style of ESG Management, thereby contributing to sustainability through the resolution of issues related to food, water, and the environment.