Notes before using
Service and maintenance are very important for wastewater treatment plants.
Wastewater treatment plants use microorganisms to perform treatment. Therefore, maintaining an optimum environment where microorganisms can be most active is essential.
Service and maintenance include maintenance and inspection work, and desludging work.

Consult us when considering installation
・Maintenance and inspection of a treatment tank include inspection and repair of the equipment and supply of chemicals. These works require special knowledge, and therefore making an outsourcing contract with a company who received our training is recommended.
・For desludging, please ask a company designated by your local government.
Usually only local government or companies designated by a local government can remove and clean sludge accumulated in wastewater treatment plants. For details, please contact your local government.
Before Use
It is also very important to use wastewater treatment plant (Johkasou) in a right way every day to maintain its treatment performance. Below are some notes for our end-users in their daily usage of wastewater treatment plant (Johkasou).
1. Only domestic wastewater is acceptable
Basically, wastewater treatment plant can treat household wastewater only. Do not let rain or industrial wastewater flow into it.
*Notes: However, depending on kinds of products manufactured, in some cases special designed wastewater treatment plant (Johkasou) can treat even industrial wastewater. Please contact us for more details.
2. Keep blower running
Do not turn off the blower. Stopping supply of air into the tank will cause microorganisms to die, resulting in untreated wastewater and bad odor.
3. What you should not throw in
Do not throw foreign objects (such as rubber and absorbent cotton) in toilet. This will cause clogged pipes and tanks, and lower the treatment performance. In kitchen, do not throw food wastewater and cooking oil into drains.
4. Use water-soluble toilet paper
Use easily soluble toilet paper. Also, flushing down a large amount of paper will lead to more frequent cleaning of the tank. Therefore, using an appropriate amount is recommended.
5. No chemicals
Do not add chemicals (hydrochloric acid, insecticide, deodorant, chlorine agent, etc.) into the tank. Mixing various chemicals will cause microorganisms in the tank to die, resulting in untreated wastewater.
6. About manhole
6-1. Always close the manhole cover. If the cover is not in place, close it completely for safety. Be sure to lock it if it has a locking mechanism.
6-2. If you find any abnormality (such as crack and breakage), replace the cover. Be extremely careful to prevent children from playing near the wastewater treatment plant.
6-3. When closing a cover with bolt nuts, tighten cap nuts evenly using a special opening/closing handle.
6-4. Be careful not to lose parts such as washers and gasket. Remove small stones and other foreign objects from the frame.
7. Don’t put anything near or on Johkasou and products concerned
Do not put any objects on the manhole, blower or power cable, or in the nearby area. Be sure to keep combustible or hazardous things away.