Relationships with Society
Contributing toward a sustainable society as a citizen of global and local society

All employees of the Kubota Group share the Corporate Principles, the Kubota Global Identity, we have passed down since our founding. We aim for sustained mutual progress for both the Kubota Group and society as each individual employee satisfies their personal duty and role in bringing about a beautiful future for the earth and its people, while contributing to stakeholders. We also value building relationships based on trust with local communities, paying respects to the cultures and customs of the nations and regions where we do business. In recent years, we have been emphasizing initiatives to increase corporate value and improve satisfaction among diverse stakeholders through reinforcement of corporate efforts. We are working to build a sustainable society in partnership with all of our stakeholders, and as a citizen of international and local society.
Overview of Kubota’s relationship with society
Initiatives toward Development of a Sustainable Society
Promote Human Rights Due Diligence Globally
We support the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, respect the human rights of all the people involved in our business and supply chain. We do not discriminate or violate human rights on the basis of nationality, race, age, gender, disability, or any other reason. Furthermore, we require that our business partners not tolerate any human rights violation, including forced labor and child labor. We try to identify any negative impact on human rights in the business of the Kubota group and its supply chain at an early stage, and make efforts to prevent and reduce those, and to remedy the situation of affected people.
Emphasis on Social Contribution Activities Targeting Social Issues in Food, Water, and the Environment
Kubota’s business areas are food, water, and the environment, which are vital for human life. As such, we have a wide range of stakeholders. Our business draws support from customers, suppliers, investors, governments, regional society, our employees, and more. Furthermore, we see the global environment itself as a key stakeholder alongside humanity, given the global scope of our business. We believe that only when the benefits of our business are balanced among these stakeholders can all parties experience long-term progress. In order to achieve that balance, and in addition to our business in food, water, and the environment, we work to contribute to the construction of a sustainable society through our social contribution activities.
Rapidly Providing Reliable, Quality Products, Technologies, and Services That Exceed Customer Expectations
At Kubota, we always seek what we need to do to maximize customer satisfaction. We practice a thorough hands-on approach by staying attuned to customers around the world, being present on-site, and listening closely to what local people say. We are agile in providing products and services that exceed customer expectations. Kubota aspires to contribute more toward society by gaining the trust of customers around the world.
Maintaining Quality and Productivity Improvements Across the Entire Supply Chain, While Developing Alongside Our Suppliers
We are also diligently engaged in management of the supply chain that produces our products and services. We have established the Kubota Group Supplier Code of Conduct based on the belief that it is necessary to have a common understanding of CSR with our major business partners to engage in collaborative efforts, in order to contribute toward a sustainable society. Kubota Group requires that suppliers respect and comply with the Kubota Group Supplier Code of Conduct in their business activities.
Promotion of Constructive Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
We are actively sharing IR information and corporate information for all our shareholders and investors, in aims of improving sustained growth and mid- and long-term corporate value. Furthermore, we will continue advancing with dialogue with all our stakeholders through initiatives including results briefings for institutional investors in Japan and abroad,company information sessions for individual investors, factory tours, and more.
Kubota’s relationships with society through social contribution activities
Kubota’s Initiatives, Connecting the World
Working to Develop Alongside a Sustainable Society, as a Company
Working for attainment of the 17 goals of United Nations SDGs that aim to transform our world
At the end of a United Nations Summit meeting in 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were promulgated, listing 17 common goals for the international community. Of these, Kubota has identified eight goals as sectors for contribution through initiatives connecting to our ties with society, including “No poverty” and “Good health and well-being.”
Kubota, which advocates “For Earth, For Life,” will continue to protect the beautiful Earth while further revitalizing environmental conservation activities and supporting people's prosperous lives.
Kubota’s ESG Management
Aiming for sustainability and achievement of our long-term vision
K-ESG Management and Materiality
In line with its aim to maintain itself as a sustainable company, Kubota is promoting K-ESG Management, centered on its own ESG measures. With a focus on the four areas and 12 points of materiality, we aim to enhance our corporate value and realize our long-term vision GMB2030.
Top Message: Sustainability
Aiming to become an “'Essentials Innovator for Supporting Life,' Committed to a Prosperous Society and Cycle of Nature,” we will promote Kubota’s own style of ESG Management, thereby contributing to sustainability through the resolution of issues related to food, water, and the environment.