Environmental Communication
Since it published its first Environmental Report in FY1999, the Kubota Group has continued to disclose its environmental information. Along with the globalization of its businesses, the Group has enhanced the contents of the environmental information it discloses, to allow the Group’s global initiatives to be understood. To expand and improve disclosures further, the Group will continue its dialogues with stakeholders and further disclosing information in line with international standards such as the environmental reporting guidelines by the Japanese Ministry of the Environment, the GRI standards and the recommendations of TCFD.
Each business site also works to enhance understanding of the environmental conservation activities by the local residents and family members of employees by participating in local environmental conservation activities and other environmental communication activities, such as environmental education and protection of the natural environment, for the purpose of achieving symbiosis with local communities.
- Environmental Communication Activities
- Cooperation with Environment-related Industry Groups and Governments
- Environment-Related External Rating and Awards
Environmental Communication Activities
To practice environmental management globally, the Kubota Group is committed to deepening mutual understanding via dialogue with various stakeholders. The opinions and feedback gained from dialogue are used to improve Group environmental management practices with the aim of meeting social expectations and addressing societal issues.
Cooperation with Environment-related Industry Groups and Governments
The Kubota Group believes that in promoting environmental conservation, it is important to promote environmental conservation initiatives not only within its Group but also in cooperation with various sectors, such as the national or local government and relevant industry groups. Through participating in programs and campaigns hosted by government organs and establishing partnerships with various organizations, the Group aims to create synergy and conduct more effective environmental conservation activities.
1. Participating in Systems, Verification Programs, Campaigns by the National Government

Zero-Emissions Challenge logo
In May 2010, the Kubota Group was certified by the Japanese Minister of the Environment as an “Eco- First Company,” and has been a member of the Eco-First Promotion Council since then. Through the Council, the Group submits proposals to, or exchanges opinions with, the Ministry of the Environment, supports Eco-First companies promoting environmental conservation activities and enhancing cooperation between companies, and engages in activities to raise the environmental awareness of the public.
The Group also supports the Decokatsu (decarbonization and eco) national movement that encourages changes in the behavior and lifestyles of citizens and consumers, as well as the Water Project to raise awareness concerning water circulation and conservation of the water environment. In addition, the Group was also selected as a “Zero- Emissions Challenge” company in the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s project for promoting innovation to realize a decarbonized society.

In addition, we have been participating in "GX League" established by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry since April 2023. With a view to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 and social change, "GX League" is a forum where companies, in collaboration with the government and academia (and finance), engage in discussions for the transformation of the entire economic and social system and practice for the creation of new markets as they seek to challenge green transformation (GX) and achieve sustainable growth in current and future societies. By participating in "GX League", we will promote our efforts to achieve carbon neutrality and work with other participating companies and organizations to transform the entire economic and social system.
2. Participating in Industry Groups
The Kubota Group is a member of various environment-related committees in the Kansai Economic Federation and other industry groups it is participating in. The committee activities help deepen understanding of the roles that companies should play in addressing environmental issues such as climate change, while providing opportunities to share information and exchange opinions on energy and environmental policies. In addition, the Group actively participates in initiatives to promote global environmental conservation.
● Major participating groups
Industry groups: Japan Business Federation, Kansai Economic Federation, Japan Society of Industrial Machinery Manufacturers, etc.
Environmental initiatives: Japan Climate Initiative, Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
Supporting the TCFD and TNFD Recommendations

The Kubota Group considers mitigating and adapting to climate change to be one of the material issues for environmental management. We are making efforts to respond to climate change through environment-conscious products, technologies, services, and corporate activities. Also, our business activities depend on natural capital and have the potential to impact it. We are therefore committed to the conservation of biodiversity and natural capital through our business activities so that we can continue to implement sustainable management practices. To further enhance stakeholder communication, we demonstrated our support of the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) in January 2020. And in February 2024, we announced our support of the recommendations of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) and signed up as a TNFD Adopter.
Participation in JCI activities

The Kubota Group has participated in the activities of the Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) since October 2018. JCI participants include Japanese companies, local governments, NGOs and others who aim to realize a carbon-free society.
3. Dialogue and Collaboration with Local Governments
The Kubota Group proactively participates in various committees of Osaka City and other local governments and their related groups, and works to establish partnerships with them. The Group promotes industry-government-academia collaboration through participating in discussions and opinion exchange on environmental issues, and various activities.
● Major collaborating groups/partners
Gifu Prefecture "Consortium for Forest Technology Development and Promotion," Osaka City "Environmental Management Promotion Council," sponsored flowerbeds in front of the Kyuhoji Green Space in Osaka Prefecture, and so on.