Environment-Related External Rating and Awards (2020)
Environment-related External Evaluation
Kubota Receives the Highest Evaluation for the Third Time in a Second Consecutive Year in CDP* Water Security 2020
Kubota was selected for inclusion in the A list of companies-the highest position-in the CDP Water Security 2020 survey on water security conducted by the CDP. It is the second consecutive year after CDP 2019 that Kubota has been selected as an A list company for water security, and the third time. In the online event held in January 2021, “CDP 2020 A List Company Awards,” President and Representative Director Yuichi Kitao gave a speech as an outstanding company.
We were also awarded an “A-” rating-the second highest on an 8-point scale-in the CDP Climate Change 2020 survey, a survey on climate change conducted by the CDP.
- Established in the UK in 2000, the CDP is a non-profit organization that works with institutional investors to encourage companies and cities to disclose their strategies and data related to climate change, water, and forests by providing institutional investors with research-based analytical results and environmental performance ratings.
Speech at the CDP 2020 A List Company Awards
Receiving Environmental Awards
The Kubota Environmental Engineering Department Receives the “Environmental Technology and Project Award”
In December 2020, the 57th Environmental Engineering Forum was held by the Committee of Environmental Engineering of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers. The Kubota Environmental Engineering Department members Takayuki Tatsumichi, Hisafumi Nomura, Haruhiko Takeuchi, and Koichi Nakagawa received the “Environmental Technology and Project Award” for their presentation on “Development of Energy-saving Fertilizer Technology by Non-heat Reforming of Sewage Dewatered Sludge.”
The award is presented to the most outstanding technology among those presented at the Environmental Engineering Forum. This is the third consecutive year that Kubota has received the award. The technology proposes a new energy-saving system for a different approach from the conventional drying technology to dewater sewage sludge and convert it into fertilizer. It was highly evaluated from its low lifecycle cost.
Environmental Technology and Project Award certificate
KBS Kubota Co., Ltd. Receives the “Director-General Commendation of the Maritime Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism”
On February 25, 2020, KBS Kubota Co., Ltd. received the “Director-General Commendation of the Maritime Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism” at the Eco Ship Mark Designation System Maritime Modal Shift Grand Awards.
This commendation is presented to entrepreneurs recognized as making a special contribution to reducing environmental impact by implementing a modal shift from land transport-centered distribution systems to marine transport, which has superior transport efficiency. In receiving the award, KBS Kubota Co., Ltd. was recognized for actively working to reduce its environmental impact through measures such as return use of mainly import and export containers, making use of inland container depots, and proactively introducing modal shift conducted jointly with shippers.
Award ceremony held on February 25, 2020
Commendation certificate of the “Director-General Commendation of the Maritime Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism”
SIAM KUBOTA Corporation Co., Ltd. (Headquarters Plant, Amata Nakorn Plant) and SIAM KUBOTA Metal Technology Co., Ltd. Receive Green Industry Award
SIAM KUBOTA Corporation Co., Ltd. (Headquarters Plant, Amata Nakorn Plant) (SKC) and SIAM KUBOTA Metal Technology Co., Ltd. (SKMT) received the Green Industry Award from the Thai government in 2020 and 2021, respectively as clean plants that are environmentally considerate. On the five-point evaluation scale (Level 5 being the highest), SKC scored Level 4 for having strongly rooted environmental conservation activities in their corporate culture, while SKMT was awarded Level 3 in recognition of having built an environmental management system and steadily implementing a PDCA cycle.
The award has a three-year certification period, and KUBOTA Precision Machinery (Thailand) Co., Ltd. has previously received a Level 3 award, and KUBOTA Engine (Thailand) Co., Ltd. a Level 4 award. They are still currently recognized as Green Industries.
Green Industry Award certificate
An Employee of Kubota Utsunomiya Plant Receives the Prefectural Governor’s Commendation and other recognition at the Tochigi Prefecture Public Health Competition
At the Kubota Utsunomiya Plant, Takanobu Kato of the Production Engineering Section has been an active participant in various external environmental groups for 14 years. He received a personal commendation from the prefectural governor for his remarkable achievements in various fields, including local government, prefectural citizenship activities, education and culture, environment, social welfare, public health, and industrial revitalization.
Mr. Kato is a member of the Tochigi Ken Sangyou Kankyou Kanri Kyoukai (Tochigi Prefecture industrial and envi ronmental management association), an association for promoting the spread of knowledge and awareness about preventing pollution, the smooth execution of pollution prevention at plants, and preservation of the local environment. He received a certificate of appreciation from the association for his distinguished service as an officer.
The certification of appreciation for distinguished service as an officer of the Tochigi Ken Sangyou Kankyou Kanri Kyoukai and the award ceremony
The certificate of commendation from the prefectural governor at the Tochigi Prefecture Public Health Competition and the award ceremony
Kubota Hanshin Plant Amagasaki Site Receives “Award for Nurturing Greenery and Wetland Areas”
At the Amagasaki Site of the Kubota Hanshin Plant, workers use their lunch hours once a month to conduct tree pruning and clean-up activities around the plant. They received the “Award for Nurturing Greenery and Wetland Areas” from the Hyogo Prefecture Hanshin Minami Prefectural Citizens Center Amagasaki Port Management Office as they contribute to the “21st Century Forest Concept” project for promoting local greenery of Hyogo Prefecture.
Certificate of appreciation from the Hyogo Prefecture Hanshin Minami Prefectural Citizens Center Amagasaki Port Management Office and award ceremony