Replacement and Retrofit
Kubota can diagnose your pump condition, and propose solutions for replacement and retrofit to meet your needs.
Replacing Complete Pump & Motor
Replacing pump and/or motor to newly developed high efficiency type will lead your plants' energy and cost saving.
Changing Sealing Type
To save maintenance time & cost, one option is to change from Gland Packing to Mechanical Seal.
Adjusting to New Operation Point
If Capacity or Head is changed from the installation time, then we can propose the most suitable driving point by various methods.
Changing Material / Coating
To resist corrosion & wear, changing material and/or coating is very effective. By new internal coating, performance improvement can also be expected.
Condition monitoring tool
If pump has a diagnostic system and a flow meter, you can make more precise tendency management and state watching, and can do minimum maintenance contents.