Disclosure Policy
Kubota Corporation (hereinafter, “the Company”) conducts investor relations in accordance with the fundamental policies outlined below. The Company strives to become a trusted and sympathetic company by all stakeholders, including shareholders and investors.
- 1. Basic Policy for IR Activities
Based on Kubota Group Charter for Action & Code of Conducts, the Company discloses information, in accordance with related legal provisions, on the management of the Company, its business operations, and other matters in a timely manner and according to appropriate methods. The Company also promotes active communication with a broad range of stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, and fulfills its responsibilities for transparency and accountability in corporate activities.
- 2. Promoting Constructive Dialogue
The Company recognizes that constructive dialogue with stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, contributes to the Company’s sustainable growth and improving medium- to long-term corporate value. Accordingly, the Company makes timely and appropriate disclosure of a wide range of financial and non-financial information, promoting constructive dialogue with stakeholders to encourage collaborative value creation. The contents of these dialogues are reported to our Board of Directors, the Executive Officers’ Meeting, and relevant departments. The Company strives to reflect them in corporate activities as appropriate.
- 3. Disclosure Policy
The Company discloses IR information based on five principles:
Accuracy, Definiteness, Timeliness, Fairness, and Consistency
The Company discloses information in an appropriate manner, in compliance with the domestic and foreign law and/or regulations of the stock exchanges on which the Company is listed. Furthermore, the Company strives to disclose actively not only information required by law and/or regulation, but also information which is regarded as useful in deepening stakeholder’s understanding of the Company.
The Company has stipulated Prohibition of Insider Trading in Kubota Group Code of Conducts. Moreover, the Company has established Procedures Related to the Prevention of Insider Trading as the operational guideline of control and disclosure of internal information, striving to promote awareness and ensure the prevention of insider trading. - 4. Material Information and Disclosure Method
The Company regards information for which disclosure is required under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan and the Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information by Issuer of Listed Securities and the Like set out by the Tokyo Stock Exchange (hereinafter, the Timely Disclosure Rules) as material information (that should be managed appropriately). The Company also regards information as material even when disclosure is not required under such rules, but the content of which could have a significant impact on the investor’s decision.
The Company discloses information in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan through the Electronic Disclosure for Investors' Network system provided by the Financial Services Agency (EDINET). The Company discloses information in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules via the Timely Disclosure network provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TDnet). Furthermore, the Company publishes the same information on our corporate website promptly after disclosure via EDINET and TDnet in principle. When the Company voluntarily discloses information not required to be disclosed under the related law and/or regulations but considered useful for investment decisions, the Company aims to use appropriate methods (publishing on the Kubota corporate website, etc.) to communicate the information as accurately and fairly as possible. - 5. Developing and Enhancing IR Structure
To act in accordance with this IR policy, the Company aims to develop and enhance its IR structure. General Manager of Control Headquarters is in charge of directing and promoting IR. The department in charge of IR plays a central role in developing corporate IR activities through coordination with each related department.
The Company established the Financial Information Disclosure Committee, chaired by General Manager of Control Headquarters. This committee monitors and controls financial information disclosure, ensuring fairness, accuracy, timeliness, and comprehensiveness. The committee meets periodically to draft and assess the Company’s annual securities reports (Yukashoken Hokokusho) and Semiannual Securities report (Hanki Hokokusho) pursuant to the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan. The committee also meets in response to extraordinary events, such as important decisions and material facts that must be disclosed immediately. - 6. Quiet Period for IR Activities
The Company sets a quiet period from the day following the financial closing date until the announcement of financial results to prevent substantive financial information leaks and ensure fair disclosure. During this period, the Company refrains from answering questions or making comments regarding financial results. However, the Company will issue a public statement promptly after the occurrence of any material facts required to be disclosed under the Timely Disclosure Rules, even during this quiet period. The Company will also respond during this quiet period to inquiries regarding information that has already been publicly disclosed.
- 7. Forward-looking Statements
Information that the Company discloses may contain forward-looking statements based on management expectations, estimates, projections, and assumptions. These statements are not a guarantee of future performance and involve certain risks and uncertainties which are difficult to predict. Actual future results may differ materially from forecasts provided in forward-looking statements due to a variety of factors.
- 8. Responses to Financial Forecasts by Third Parties
In principle, the Company does not make any comments on reports, opinions, or earnings estimates made by third parties. However, the Company may point out what is perceived to be factual errors in such statements.
- 9. Responses to Uncertain Information
In principle, the Company does not make any comments on uncertain information about the Company. However, the Company will respond through proper channels (Timely Disclosure network provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TDnet), etc.) in the event that such information is deemed to be likely to have a significant impact on capital markets and the Company recognizes the need to establish the truth.