The Quest for Precision Farming
From the Frontlines in the Netherlands, Germany, and France

- Introduction
The 1990s saw a remarkable evolution of information and communications technology (ICT) amid rapid technological innovation, which in turn drove major changes in societies and lifestyles.
The resulting ripples spread to every corner of the industrial world, and the farming sector was no exception.
New initiatives began for farm management utilizing ICT and other advanced technologies—something that is now known as precision farming.
It is estimated that the world population will top 9.8 billion by 2050, generating growing concern over shortages of food.
Precision farming is a trump card that can help to resolve the world's food problems.
In Japan's rice farming market, Kubota became the first in the industry to introduce precision farming, which Kubota refers to as “smart farming.”
Furthermore, Kubota has recently commenced initiatives for precision farming in Europe's upland farming market.
Kubota has started taking on new challenges to resolve the world's food problems as it aims to become a “Global Major Brand” (“GMB”).