Kubota e-Project: Digging Wells in India to Tap the Source of Life

Actively supporting an international NGO working to deliver safe water to India

Oversea Project Coordinator
Japan Asian Association and Asian Friendship Society
Safe water for India–In order to fulfill its responsibilities as a corporate citizen, Kubota is active in promoting various activities, one of which is support for the installation of wells and water supply facilities in India. With its vast land area, India has many farming communities that lack access to potable water due to differences in natural conditions such as climate, including rainfall, and geology, in addition to disparities in regional development. Solving overseas water problems is a social mission for Kubota. Indeed, the company has been developing waterrelated businesses for more than a century since it became the first company in Japan to manufacture iron pipes for waterworks in 1893. Kubota has now turned its attention to the Safe Water Project of the Japan Asian Association and Asian Friendship Society (JAFS).
JAFS was established in October 1979 as an NGO for international cooperation. Its missions were to improve the lives of people in Asian farming communities, which lacked access to safe water, by establishing wells and delivering watersupply equipment, as well as developing self-help, self-supported farming communities by addressing various issues (sanitation, education, daily life, the environment, etc.). “Delivering safe water leads not only to improved sanitary and health conditions, but also to the freeing of women and children from the heavy labor of drawing water. Through this activity, we aim to promote education (providing educational opportunities) and the independence of women (economically, through vocational training, etc.), with a view to improving environmental sustainability. Our ultimate goal is to eradicate poverty through this cycle. We have already installed 457 wells in India.” (Mr. Kohei Yokoyama, Oversea Project Coordinator, JAFS)
Kubota started supporting JAFS in 2010 and has already subsidized the installation of six wells. Kubota plans to expand its support through various approaches in the future.
From CSR to CSV: Working towards global evolution

Sustainability Group
CSR Planning Dept.
Kubota’s social contribution activities are not limited to well installation in India. Kubota launched its “Kubota e-Project” in 2008 as an initiative in the area of food, water and environment. The “e” stands for the six features of the project: earth (earth-friendly), ecology (environmental conservation), education (including on agriculture and water), eating (safe and secure food), eau (safe and clear water) and emotion (joy of living). The project includes a wide range of activities such as “Support for the restoration of abandoned farmland,” “The Kubota Genki Agriculture Experience Workshop,” and “The Kubota e-Day volunteer program,” an activity involving Kubota employees across Japan carrying out cleanup and beautification of the local environment.
“Many of our employees are keenly aware that our business itself contributes to society, and that doing our best in that business is a direct part of this. Reaffirming this commitment, we are working to upgrade activities related to our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to the level of the more strategic “Creating Shared Value,” or CSV, through which we strive to attain both social and corporate value at the same time, with plans to implement it on a more global scale. (Ryuichi Hattori, Manager, Sustainability Group, CSR Planning Department)
Kubota’s social contribution activities, which support the lives of people around the world and contribute to the creation of a sustainable society while protecting the global environment, are steadily evolving and spreading from Japan to the world.