Documentary of Kubota

Kubota tractors are one of the leading brands supporting farms in Vietnam, an agricultural powerhouse. These are some of the initiatives taken by Kubota, whose mission is preparing for global food shortages in light of the growing population while the number of farmers is declining.

How can we be closer to the lives of Vietnamese farmers, even for future generations?
Vietnam. This small country in southeast Asia, is in fact the world’s third largest exporter of rice.
The Mekong Delta, in the southern region, in particular is very fertile for rice production offering rich harvests.
How has Kubota contributed to the lives of farmers on this land where double- and triple-croppings per year are common?
Here, in Châu Phú district, in An Giang province bordering Cambodia, we asked the Kiet family, who have a long history in rice farming.
Mr. Kiet's father
This land was inherited from my father and has a total area of 1.5 hectares.
Today, we have two harvests a year, and compared to the past, the number of harvests and the amount harvested has increased.
We’ve been using Kubota tractors for over 20 years.
In the old days, cows and water buffaloes were used, but farming has improved since we started to use Kubota tractors.
We can now plough more land every day, which is a big boost to our income.
I’m getting old now, and I want to pass the farm on to my son, so I can enjoy my retirement.
Mr. Kiet
I’ve been helping my father on the farm since I was nine. This is my 26th year.
He let me drive the tractor for the first time when I was 14.
Kubota tractors have exellent durability.
Because I have been watching my father operate them for such a long time, I have complete confidence in their reliability.
I want to increase the area of our rice fields in the future.
Even my eldest son can drive a tractor now.
As a father, I would like to put in place agricultural machines so that my sons can carry on farming in the future without difficulties.
After talking with us about the family,
Kiet and his father had a very kind and strong smile,
which showed their pride and joy as rice farmers in the area.
The History of Kubota Agricultural Machinery
Kubota unveiled its T15 tractor for dry-field farming in 1960.
Since then, Kubota has consistently offered agricultural machinery that leads the times.
In 2016, our total worldwide tractor production surpassed four million units.
We have operations in regions throughout the world.
T15 riding tractor for dry-field farming developed in 1960
Dream tractor exhibited at the Kubota booth at Expo ‘70
M7 Series large tractor for large dry-field farming released in 2014