Kubota is engaged in the business area of food, water, and the environment.
These fields are indispensable for all human beings in the world.
The ability to eat safe, tasty foods at any time, free use of clean water,
and a solid social infrastructure to support daily life – losing even one of these would impair a comfortable living environment.
These three areas are vital for us all to live prosperous lives, and Kubota believes that cycles in these areas intersect and influence each other.
We view food, water, and the environment as a single unit, and aim to bring about a sustainable society by using technology and solutions for proper circulation in these areas.
This is the Kubota style of sustainability.
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Policies and basic approach
Supporting the World in Food, Water, and the Environment Sectors Will Drive Progress toward a Sustainable Society
Kubota’s business areas associated with food, water, and the environment were inspired by its founder, Gonshiro Kubota, and continue to support people’s livelihoods. Our business activities are deeply involved in the realization of sustainability. As an “'Essentials Innovator for Supporting Life,' Committed to a Prosperous Society and Cycle of Nature,”, we are promoting our long-term vision GMB2030, working to solve food, water, and environmental issues and contribute to sustainability,
At the core of the realization of GMB2030 is K-ESG Management, which is rooted in the Kubota Group’s own ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) measures, K-ESG. K-ESG Management identifies four areas, including resolution of environmental and social issues through our business, and 12 points of materiality that are relevant to these areas. By promoting K-ESG Management and materiality, we will achieve GMB2030 goals, thereby contributing to preservation of the beautiful global environment and the development of sustainable communities.
K-ESG Management and Materiality
In line with its aim to maintain itself as a sustainable company, Kubota is promoting K-ESG Management, centered on its own ESG measures. With a focus on the four areas and 12 points of materiality, we aim to enhance our corporate value and realize our long-term vision GMB2030.
Top Message: Sustainability
Aiming to become an “'Essentials Innovator for Supporting Life,' Committed to a Prosperous Society and Cycle of Nature,” we will promote Kubota’s own style of ESG Management, thereby contributing to sustainability through the resolution of issues related to food, water, and the environment.
Unique traits of Kubota’s sustainability efforts
Promoting Multifaceted Efforts toward “Sustainability through Business” and “Sustainability as Basis for Business”
One distinct pillar of Kubota’s sustainability efforts is our efforts toward sustainability through business activities itself. With its role in supporting the earth and the future of human life, Kubota’s business involves resolutions to global societal issues concerning the fields of food, water, and the environment indispensable to our lives, connecting directly to sustainability. Our efforts are also distinct through our focus on sustainability as a basis for business. Kubota considers a variety of questions concerning sustainability as the foundation of our business, including how we are contributing toward a sustainable society, how we are balancing business growth with conservation of the global and regional environment, how healthy corporate operational management wins society’s trust, and whether we are providing a comfortable working environment for employees contributing to the corporate growth. We aim to achieve a sustainable society from a variety of approaches, by contributing toward sustainability as basis for our business.

Sustainability through Business
Contribute toward the development of a sustainable society through business itself in the area of food, water, and the environment, and support prosperous life for humanity
Initiatives through Business: Food
More efficient farming for abundant and stable production of food

Initiatives through Business: Water
Water infrastructure improvements for safe water and water recycle

Initiatives through Business: Environment
Improving social and industrial infrastructure, to promote quality living conditions

Sustainability as a Basis for Business
Aspire toward the sustained, synergistic growth of both society and the Kubota Group while conserving the beautiful environment of the earth
Environmental Conservation Initiatives
Contributing to the development of society and conservation of the global environment
Relationships with Society
Achievement of the corporate philosophy by each individual employee, and contributing toward a sustainable society as a citizen of global and local society
Relationships with Employees
Transforming diversity into creativity, promoting fulfilling workplace
Corporate Governance Initiatives
Further improvements to soundness, efficiency, and transparency of corporate operations, and risk reduction
Kubota’s Actions for Achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals
This section introduces areas where Kubota contributes toward a prosperous life for humanity and the development of a sustainable society, both in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted as a common goal of the international community at the UN Summit.