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Be an Architect of Reforms and Creation with the Resolve and Courage to Change Yuichi Kitao, President and Representative Director, Kubota Corporation

Kubota Corporation

  • This is a summary of messages aimed at Kubota Group employees today.

Beginning this year, the Kubota Group will reorganize our management structure to allow the Farm & Industrial Machinery business and the Water & Environment business to maximize their unique strengths.
As we greet the year 2025 and prepare to make a bold move to realize our Long-Term Vision GMB2030,
we embrace change, transforming the way we work and carry out business, and evolve.
We might also leverage AI technology to boost our operational productivity and use the time thus saved to take on the challenge of driving change further. Our company grows when each and every one of its members grows brilliantly.
Throughout its history, the Kubota Group has moved forward, resolving social issues through business.
Our commitment to the resolution of social issues, considering food, water, and the environment as a singular theme, will remain unchanged as it is embedded in our corporate DNA.
We would like to see the 50,000 Kubota Group employees around the world unite under the banner of “One Kubota” and in the spirit of “On Your Side.” Let us all embrace innovative changes and creation so that each of us can become an “Essentials Innovator for Supporting Life” who is committed to a prosperous society and the cycle of nature to achieve our Long-Term Vision of GMB2030.

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