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KUBOTA Worldwide

Green Procurement

The KUBOTA Group is committed to the procurement of products with a reduced environmental impact from suppliers that engage in environmental activities, as part of its commitment to providing society with products that are friendly to global and local environments.

To ensure that these activities are carried out, the KUBOTA Group will explain its green procurement policy through the KUBOTA Group Green Procurement Guidelines and conduct an investigation of suppliers' environmental protection activities and substances of concern contained in procured products as appropriate.

Green procurement cannot be achieved without the cooperation of suppliers. The KUBOTA Group appreciates its suppliers' understanding of its policy and their support and cooperation.

What's New!
We revised the KUBOTA Group Green Procurement Guidelines in April 2014.


Contact us to learn more
or see Corporate Information or Product Information
for additional company details.

See also: the documents and updates of
*Financial Reports, *CSR Activities,
*Corporate News. (*English Pages)

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