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KUBOTA Worldwide

Medium-Term Environmental
Conservation Targets

The KUBOTA Group has created new medium-term targets for environmental conservation through FY2016.
The Group systematically advances environmental conservation activities at the production and product development stages.

Issues Actions Management Indicators*2 Scope Base

Achievement Status
Stopping climate change Reduce CO2 CO2 emissions per unit of production*3 Global Production 2009 -14% -26.0% very good We are making progress on energy conservation in production facilities, air handling systems and lighting, etc.
Energy conservation Energy use per unit of production Global Production 2009 -14% -23.4% very good
Working towards a recycling based society Reduce waste Waste discharge per unit of production Global Production 2009 -14% -30.6% very good We are making progress on waste separation and introduction of returnable containers.
Recycling ratio*4 Production sites in Japan 99.5% or above 99.8% very good We are maintaining a resource recycling ratio above the target.
Overseas produciton sites 90.0% or above 89.8% very good Landfill disposal was reduced as the result of changing contractor consignment. We are now very close to achieving our target.
Conserve water resouce Water consumption per unit of production Global production 2009 -21% -39.1% very good We are making progress on water conservation by the installation of waste water recycling facilities.
Controlling chemical substances Reduction of VOCs*1 VOC emissions per unit of production Global Production 2009 -21% -29.4% very good We are making progress on VOC reduction by improving coating efficiency and use of non-VOC paints.
Improve environmental performance of products Expand line of Eco-Prodeucts Sales ratio of Eco-Products*5 Global 40%  36.6% very good n FY2015, we certified 43 products as Eco-Products.
*1 VOCs comprise the six VOCs that are most prevalent in emissions from the KUBOTA Group: xylene, toluene, ethylbenzene, styrene, 1, 2, 4-trimethylbenzene, and 1, 3, 5-trimethylbenzene.
*2 The figures per unit of production represent the intensity of the environmental load per unit of production money amount. The exchange rate of the base fi scal year is used when translating the production value of overseas sites into yen.
*3 CO2 emissions include greenhouse gases from non-energy sources. We use the emissions coefficient for electricity of the base fi scal year in our calculation of CO2 emissions from energy sources.;
*4 Resource recycling ratio (%) = (Sales volume of valuable resources + External recycling volume) / (Sales volume of valuable resources + External recycling volume + Landfi ll disposal) × 100. Heat recovery is included in external recycling volume. 
*5 Sales ratio of Eco-Products (%) = Sales of Eco-Products / Sales of products (excluding construction work, services, software, parts and accessories) × 100 
*6 Self-evaluation rating symbols: very good Target exceeded (by at least 20%) goodTarget reached not yetTarget not yet reached.



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See also: the documents and updates of
*Financial Reports, *CSR Activities,
*Corporate News. (*English Pages)

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