KUBOTA Worldwide
In May 2010, the KUBOTA Group made the "Eco-First Commitment"
pledge to the Japanese Environment Minister to carry out environmental
preservation measures on a group-wide basis, and was officially approved
as an "Eco-First Company".
The "Eco-First Program" was introduced in April 2008 by the Japanese Ministry of the Environment, which seeks to encourage the environmental preservation activities of leading companies by requiring them to commit to the Minister of the Environment in voluntary environmental protection initiatives, such as climate change prevention measures.
In June 2014, the KUBOTA Group made the new "Eco-First Commitment"
pledge to the Japanese Environment Minister and was officially approved
as an "Eco-First Company" again.

Eco-First Commitment of the KUBOTA Group, in brief
The KUBOTA Group wishes to become more valuable company that contributes to the improvement of social development and global environment in the field of food, water, and the environment. We place the greatest importance on environmental conservation regarding our CSR management and continue the following efforts.
- We will work towards recycling-based society in a positive manner.
- We will implement measures to prevent climate change as a priority issue.
- We will work toward reducing emissions into the atmosphere.
- We will develop highly environmentally friendly products.
- We will promote activities friendly to the natural environment and biodiversity.
The KUBOTA Group will monitor the progress of the above commitment which we revised in June 2014, report the results to the Ministry of the Environment, and publish annual results in our Web Sites.