KUBOTA Worldwide
Basic Direction of Corporate
Environmental Management
Basic Direction of Corporate Environmental Management
We drew up our basic direction of Corporate Environmental Management, aiming at building sustainable society in which environment and economy harmonize with each other.

Basic Direction of Corporate Environmental Management
In FY2015, the Environmental Management Strategy Committee was newly established to take a more strategic and innovative approach to environmental management by management-led promotion.
In addition, Environmental Manager Conferences, are held in China, Asia, North America and Europe to globally advance environmental management across the KUBOTA Group.

FY2015 Environmental audit implementation status
[Number of subject sites and departments]
219 sites and departments
[Number of audit items]
32 (for construction departments) up to 90 (for production sites in Japan)
[Audit details]
• Water and air quality management
• Noise and vibration management
• Waste discharge and chemical substances management
• Climate change prevention
• Response to abnormalities and emergencies
• Environmental management system

Audit of overseas production site Kubota Construction Machinery (WUXI) Co,. Ltd.