Application of TXAX

TXAX Characteristics and Representative Products

Kubota's potassium titanate (TXAX) is different from the whisker (needle-like single crystal fiber) and has a plate-like shape formed from large diameter and elongated fibers. Consequently it is an environmentally friendly material.

The most characteristic features of the material are heat resistance, heat insulation at high temperatures, wear resistance and friction stability. Furthermore the material is both chemically and physically stable. Our material has already been used in a wide range of brake/clutch friction members for various machines including automobiles, reinforcing material for plastics or metals and a coating agent, etc.

  • Crystalline potassium titanate fibers: TXAX‐A / TXAX‐MA / TXAX‐KA
  • Highly-dielectric potassium titanate fibers: TXAX‐CT
  • Non crystalline potassium titanate / TXAX‐G,GS
  • Porous spherical titanic acid compounds: GTX‐C

Example of Using TXAX Product

Friction materials (brake pad, brake lining)
  • Friction materials (brake pad)
  • Friction materials (brake lining)
Plastic composites
Plastic composites
Functional paints
Functional paints
Aluminum alloy composites
Aluminum alloy composites
Exhaust purification ceramics
Exhaust purification ceramics

SEM Images of Products


April 23, 2012
Decided to construct a new plant at North America.Responding to the invreasing demand overseas.
April 1, 2012
Added TXAX-GP.
April 1, 2010
Opened an English-language TXAX application site.